Rom baro

In Rom communities in the United States and some areas of Europe,[1] the rom baro is the tribal leader. A rom baro serves the same purpose as a big man in New Guinean tribal societies. He earns his position through merit and his decisions, although considered wise, do not have the automatic approval of the community.[2] Other factors in the selection of a rom baro include knowledge of the language of the areas of planned travel, and resourcefulness in emergency situations.[3]

Qualities expected of a rom baro include wealth, an aggressive wife, a large family, and a willingness to speak out and help.[4]


The term baro is of Indic origin, and implies not only "big", but also powerful and important. Some Canadian and American Rom groups have substituted the term shato, a contraction of O Baro Shato, "the bigshot".[5]

See also


  1. ^ Sharon Bohn Gmelch. "Groups that Don't Want In: Gypsies and Other Artisan, Trader, and Entertainer Minorities". Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 15, (1986), p. 317.
  2. ^ Paul R. Magocsi. Encyclopedia of Canada's peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. p. 644.
  3. ^ The Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier, 1981. p. 650.
  4. ^ Kevin B. MacDonald. A People That Shall Dwell Alone. iUniverse, 2002. p. xxvi.
  5. ^ Lee, Ronald (Spring 1997). "The Rom-Vlach Gypsies and the Kris-Romani", The American Journal of Comparative Law 45 (2): 345–392.